Culver City Housing Element Receives State Certification

The State has approved the revised Culver City Housing Element, which identifies and plans for its housing needs between 2021 and 2029.

On Monday, Culver City received a determination letter from the California’s Housing and Community Department stating the 2021-29 Housing Element is in full compliance with State Housing Element Law, civic officials announced.

The adopted element, including technical modifications, addresses the statutory requirements described in HCD’s July 26 review, city officials said.

City staff said the modified Housing Element addressed the three areas of concerns: concentrated areas of affluence, local data and knowledge, and realistic capacity.

In its letter, the HCD stated that Culver City must continue timely and effective implementation of all programs, including Housing Choice Vouchers, Affordable Housing Development Assistance, Zoning Code Amendments, Rezone Program and SB-9 Protections, ADU Ordinance Update, Hotel / Motel Conversions, and Homebuyer Assistance Program.

“The city must monitor and report on the results of these and other programs through the annual progress report,” the certification letter stated. “HCD may revoke housing element compliance if the local government’s actions do not comply with state law.”

For more information on the Housing Element, visit Housing Element — Culver City General Plan 2045 ( or contact the Advance Planning Division at or (310) 253-5740.


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