What does Albert Vera, Jr. Disa Lindgren, Alex Fisch and Trisha Hailston have in common?
Find out this Saturday, April 6th from 3-6pm at West Los Angeles - Fine Arts Auditorium. Free Parking on level One of the South Structure.
Spoiler - it's about the escalating climate crisis. Hopeful? Hopeless? Where do they stand?
Where do YOU stand? Waiting for a magical solution to drop down from the sky? Or ready to collaborate to reign in damages and hopefully begin regenerative processes? We need your thoughts and questions, so come ready to share so that together we shall prevail for the greater good of all!
For more information go to: https://greenerculvercity.com/events
You can submit questions for the panel AND be sure to "click" the RSVP box to enter Raffle. Contact Dr Suzanne DeBenedittis at 310-204-0570 for more information or email greenerculvercity@gmail.com
Greener Culver City is sponsored by Leadership Culver City, a conjoint program of the City of Culver City, the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, WLA College, the Exchange Club and the Center for Nonprofit Management. wlac.edu/Leadership-Culver-City/index.aspx
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