Council Rejects Renaming Alley After Bruce Lee

Begins to Move on Unpaved Alleys

Renaming a local alleyway after martial arts icon Bruce Lee, proposal did not meet the city's stringent requirements for commemorative street naming and the council rejected the proposal. The Asian World Film Festival's bid to change "A Street" to "Bruce Lee Alley" hit a wall as the council stood firm on policies such as 20 years of local service, and 75% resident petition support, among others, which the group has yet to fulfill, according to official city reports. The city expressed their openness to finding alternative ways to commemorate the Hollywood legend's connection to the city. Bruce Lee lived in Culver City while shooting "The Green Hornet "based on report findings from a recent Historical Context Study,

Another issue on the city's agenda is the status of its 2.4 miles of unpaved alleyways hamstringing residents with dust and rain-induced floods, a financial fix is yet on hold.

With the cost to fix the problem is estimated to be $11.5 million. he City Council debated a cost-share arrangement, a financial partnership between the city and property owners by forming an assessment district to share in the paving costs


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