2023 Preservation Awards Nomination Form

The Santa Monica Conservancy seeks nominations for its 2023 Preservation Awards. Each year the Conservancy honors exemplary projects and contributors to the preservation of Santa Monica's architectural and cultural heritage. The Preservation Awards will be announced during a special presentation at the Annual Meeting in early summer.

Since 2004, winning projects have included residences as well as commercial and institutional buildings of all sizes. These projects have entailed restoration, renovation, rehabilitation, stewardship, and adaptive reuse as well as additions to historic buildings and homes. Awards are also presented to individuals for their stewardship of historic properties as well as to individuals and groups for community service as volunteers and advocates of preservation. Studies of historic districts and other preservation planning work is also eligible.

This year, the Conservancy has integrated the concept of resiliency into their stewardship award category in recognition of the fact that historic properties and associated projects often contribute to community resilience through their energy efficiency and preparedness for climate impacts.

Those interested in nominating a project, person, structure or group for a 2023 Preservation Award can download the 2023 Preservation Award Nomination Form. The deadline for nominations is April 6. Past awards can be viewed here. Questions and nominations should be addressed to [email protected].

We are happy to answer any questions, please direct them to this same email address.

Project Address:

Type of building(s) involved:

Is the building a designated historic resource? If so, what classification?

Type of project (refer to categories listed above):

Personnel involved: owner, architect, contractor(s), designers, landscape, etc.

Project goal(s):

Describe the project scope of work. A timeline of significant milestones would be helpful.

Was your project guided by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards? If this is the case, please

briefly describe.

What were the major challenges and obstacles to achieving the project goals?

What is your assessment of the outcome?

Why do you feel the project deserves recognition as an outstanding historic preservation



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