Ukraine Atrocity Display

Robert Zirgulis, president of the Culver City Kennedy Democrats, just returned from war torn Ukraine. "I went on a humanitarian mission with two large back backs to deliver a drone, 39 medical kits, and other non-lethal supplies to Ukraine," Zirgulis says.

"After seeing Putin's alleged human rights violations and atrocities, the war turned me into a photojournalist and I joined Reporters without Borders and INTERNATIONAL PRESS", states Zirgulis.

"I worked with various NGO (non-government organizations) groups, friends, “fixers" and other journalists to conduct over 50 interviews and took over a thousand pictures documenting Putin's war crimes.

"Our group has put together a photo exhibition to showcase what allegedly happening in Ukraine. The title of the exhibition is " UKRAINE ATROCITIES- Brought to you by PUTIN and his orcs!

(the Ukraine people often refer to Putin's henchmen as orcs)." says Zirgulis.

Ukraine Atrocities exhibition will be held at the entrance to Culver City Carlson park 10400 Braddock Drive, Culver City,from 2:00 Pm till 5:00 pm on Sunday Aug. 14.

In addition, Culver City Kennedy Democrats will be circulating a petition asking the Culver City Council to “Take action to raise money for a drone to help Ukraine pinpoint and destroy Russian artillery pieces that are indiscriminately killing innocent people. Action speaks louder than sympathetic words” says Zirgulis.


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