Don't be Square Learn how to Square Dance April 6

Square dancing is a wonderful opportunity to move aerobically to music, while having a lot of fun and making new friends. A new square dance class with a live caller/instructor will begin on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, at the Veterans Memorial Building in Culver City, and will run until June 29.

Square dancing does not require any special musical or athletic talent. If you can walk and shake hands, you can square dance. Dress casually and wear comfortable shoes. Come as a single person or as a couple. We have experienced partners for you if you don’t have one.

The class will meet every Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:45 pm at the Veterans Memorial Building (SW corner of Culver Blvd. and Overland Ave.) in the Multipurpose Room, which is at the southern end of the building. The first class is free; thereafter classes are $10 per person. The class is open to new students on April 6 and April 13. After that the class will be closed to new students until the next session begin. Proof of vaccination is required at all class meetings; masks are optional. Please bring water.

The class, which is sponsored by the Ribbons & Souls Square Dance Club, will teach Social Square Dancing (SSD). The SSD Program was developed in recent years in an effort to focus more on danceability and accessibility for a new dancer. In this program, a specific set of calls has been selected that will allow a new dancer to go from "never danced before" to "Saturday Night Dances, Here I Come!" within about 13 weeks of instruction.

For more information, please call 424-286-0680.


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