Dear Council Members,

I was unable to speak tonight after taking the time to log onto the meeting, I want to list the items that need to be addressed.

1. How does the Culver City Council intend to pay for the infrastructure needed to take care of the additional people who would inhabit the units that you are voting on tonight?

That includes more police, fire firefighters, installation of sewer lines, etc.

Does Culver City have a slush fund to pay for these costs?

If new schools are needed, does the District have the funds to house and teach the children?

Do you intend to tax the residents? The developers are not responsible to pay for the above per the SB 9 law. Culver City is responsible.

2. While SB 9 did pass at the state level, it is being contested in court. Several lawsuits have been filed.

SB 10 is optional for cities to adopt.

While Culver City has opted to do just that, adopt an SB 10 policy, any future Councils can and very well might rescind that adoption.

3. The Council promised many times to build affordable housing. The night the Council passed the Jeff Hotel several speakers begged you to build affordable housing on that property.

The Council ignored the pleas and the women crying for needed housing.

4. Is that the compassion of this Council? To ignore the electorate and residents that live within your borders?

This is simply not the Culver City of the past. Your campaign promises and your voting record simply do not match.

Peple do remember at the voting booth.

Joan Davidson

Culver City


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