Overlooked Stories of 2021

By David Ganezer, Observer Staff Writer

I asked Phil Brock what he thought were important overlooked local stories. His reply:

I'm not sure about "overlooked." But I believe underplayed in some quarters are the continued illegal and criminal activity with the hot dog/corn/fruit vendors at the Santa Monica Pier. And the detrimental impacts of the 8,895 housing units now being constructed, to meet the State's RHNA requirements.

On the other hand, I would note that no high rises were discussed or brought before the Santa Monica City Council this year. That is a milestone in our efforts to restore Santa Monica to a semblance of a quiet beachside community.

A couple of seminal notes on the City's direction. We appointed a new police chief, new city manager, and new city attorney by the end of January.

In addition, the DTSM Director has quit. We (the change slate) is signaling a new direction for city hall.

Going forward, I'm particularly concerned about the lack of homelessness street teams in the city. It's often overlooked that there are no homeless outreach services east of Lincoln Blvd


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