Residents Launch Effort to Recall Mayor Fisch, Vice Mayor Lee

Observer Staff Story

Mark Salkin, a local Realtor and attorney, has launched an effort to recall Mayor Alex Fisch and Vice Mayor Daniel Lee, stating they "are not listening to the community."

Salkin has formed a formed a citizen group, named Call to Recall, which will circulate the recall petitions and collect signatures of registered voters in Culver City.

According to state law, Salkin and his group will need signatures from 25% of the registered voters for the recall effort to move forward.

In his notice of intention for the recall, Salkin blasted the councilmembers for "silencing their voices" and for their role on rent control, "up-zoning" and the possible elimination of R-1 zoning in residential areas to create more affordable housing in Culver City.

"Contrary to popular belief that increasing density will make homes in Culver City more affordable, the increased density will put a greater strain on the infrastructure of the city ," Salkin commented on the latter issue. He said he has lived in the same house in Culver City for almost 40 years.

The recall organizer also said there is no need to change the current zoning, which has been called "exclusionary because it prevented people of color from buying and moving into the city in the past."

He mentioned that the old housing covenants – which had barred blacks from certain neighborhoods – were declared unconstitutional by the courts over 60 years ago. "Culver City is a very diverse community today," he added.

Mayor Fisch recently acknowledged on twitter the recall campaign against him and Lee.

The campaign "is coming awfully close to calling for the city to intentionally violate state housing law," he twitted, responding to a post from Salkin.

"Help us reclaim Culver City for those who aren't disposed to honor the will of the voters," Salkin wrote. "Our small town deserves to stay a small town."


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