Applauds Democratic Club's Stand on Revising Zoning Codes

Dear Editor,

Last week, the membership of the Culver City Democratic Club voted on a housing resolution forced by a right-wing member which called for the continued exclusion of apartments and other more diverse and affordable multi-family housing options from the wealthiest and whitest neighboorhoods in Culver City… the neighborhoods currrently zoned for detached single homes only. I’m very pleased to report that the CCDC membership overwhelmingly rejected that resolution.

As a progressive member of the CCDC, I’m proud that my town's officially-chartered Democratic club stands behind the platform of the California Democratic Party, and with national Democratic leaders across the political spectrum— from Joe Biden to Bernie Sanders to AOC— in calling for reform to residential zoning policies like “prohibitions on multi-family housing (that) have inflated housing and construction costs and locked families out of areas with more opportunities” (cite: the Biden Administration’s ‘American Jobs Plan,’ 2021).

For reasons of housing affordability, equity, and environmental sustainability, Democrats nationally and locally are recognizing that the time has come to end exclusionary zoning.

Patrick Meighan

Culver City, CA


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