Culver City Updating Housing Element, Still Accepting Community Input

The City of Culver City is updating its Housing Element which identifies and plans for its housing needs between 2021 and 2029 and still accepting input from the community prior to submitting the final version to the state October 1.

In July, the city online on July 19 the first draft of its Housing Element, which it submitted to the state for review. City staff will provide a report to the City Council at is the September 27 meeting on the submittal and related information.

As part of the City's General Plan Update (GPU), the Housing Element is the city's blueprint to identify housing conditions and needs; establish the goals, objectives, and policies that are the foundation of the its housing strategy; and provide a range of programs to create sustainable, varied-income neighborhoods across Culver City, officials said.

Possible changes to single-family zoning are being studied as part of the GPU project's preferred land use map, which informed the Housing Element sites inventory. Last Friday, the city submitted a revised draft of the Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). HCD has 60 days to review and comment on it.

City officials said the second draft of the 2021-2029 Housing Element incorporated community feedback gathered in July and August 2021 and from public comments at meetings of the General Plan Advisory Committee, Housing Technical Advisory Committee, the Advisory Committee on Housing and Homelessness and the Planning Commission.

The GPU team considered all the diverse perspectives reflected in the community's input and revised technical aspects of the draft wherever feasible before submitting this second draft to HCD, city officials said. Revisions include but are not limited to: the Housing Plan, Sites Inventory, Public Participation and Fair Housing Assessment.

View the revised draft on the project website and share your feedback with us again, or for the first time. To share your thoughts, please review and provide input on the second draft 2021-2029 Housing Element by October 1 at

"As part of its review of the housing element, HCD must consider any written comments received from any public agency, group, or person. If an organization or individual plans to provide comments to HCD on a jurisdiction's housing element, early contact with the assigned review staff member is encouraged to ensure that HCD is aware of this intent," said city officials in a statement.

According to city staff, the City will create another draft considering new revisions from both the public and HCD in October or November. It will be the final draft prepared for the Planning Commission's recommendation in November and City Council's discussion and adoption decision in December 2021 or January 2022.

To learn about upcoming meetings related to the Housing Element, please sign up for project notifications at


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