Dear Culver City Democratic Club and Editors:
The Hospital’s federal lawsuit against the City has cost the City $101,291.12 in legal fees as of July 31, 2021. This case has Just gotten started and could go on for years and cost many millions of dollars before it ends. This ordinance was passed by Alex Fisch and Daniel Lee with the complicity of Yasmine McMorrin for the sake of the advancement of their political careers and “pro bono favors” from the Union. This kind of malfeasance and recklessness should not be countenanced by the Citizens of Culver City. The Culver City Democratic Club should reverse course and table the resolution against the recall of Alex Fisch and Daniel Lee until more information is learned. The resolution against the Recall was only disclosed to the membership less than a week ago, and is at the very least premature. The resolution was also wrong as states the recall of Yasmine McMorrin is being sought, and therefore the resolution is defective, unfair, violates due process and should be corrected before discussed.
At the last election 2 of the 3 candidates endorsed by the Club lost. Voters prefer pragmatists to idealogues. The Club needs to slow down and not mimic the Exclusionary Politics of these three Council members. This is not about the recall this is about the November 2022 elections.
Ron Ostrin
Culver City
Reader Comments(1)
JeffSchwartz writes:
I am disappointed that you ran this without attempting to verify any of its claims. The resolution opposing the prospective City Council recall was printed in the Democratic Club newsletter mailed to all members on the first on the month and available to the public on This is our standard procedure. It was not tabled but rather passed with the support of over 80% of our members. Culver City Democrats stand firmly behind our endorsed Councilmembers. Jeff Schwartz, CCDC President
09/12/2021, 8:15 am