Covid at Samo Summer

Santa Monica high school has announced another Covid case among its students attending one of its summer programs. The text of the email is below. While 60% of adults in Los Angeles County have been vaccinated and are not at risk for Covid-19, many younger people are not vaccinated. Opinions vary about how much risk teenagers have with respect to coronavirus.

Text of the email from SamoHi follows.

Dear Samohi Summer School families,

You're receiving this email because your child was enrolled or is currently attending one of the summer programs at Samohi. Please disregard if this does not apply to your family.

The purpose of this notification is to inform you that another one of our summer school students tested positive for COVID-19. While all students and families who were potentially exposed have already been notified by a phone call from our school nurse, this notification is to keep you informed. It also reminds us all that COVID-19 is still a highly contagious virus and compounded with the relaxed standards in our community, increased summer travel, and the more contagious Delta variant it is more important than ever that all members of our community get fully vaccinated.

Again, unless contacted by the school nurse, your student was not exposed and should report to school each day unless he or she exhibits symptoms indicative of COVID-19, is awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test, or if anyone in your household has symptoms, is in isolation, or is awaiting results of a COVID -19 test.

If you have any questions, you may reach out to our summer school nurse, Bernadette O'Donnell or Tristan Komlos


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