Letters to the Editor

California Should Allow Vets, Others to Use Psychedelic drugs

Just like prohibition of the sale and consumption of alcohol in the 1920’s gave rise to the likes of Al Capone and American organized crime, our multi-decade war on drugs is a failure and has resulted mainly in empowering inner city gangs and turning our southern neighbor (Mexico) into a permanent war zone.

We are already seeing that, with the decriminalization of cannabis, illegal-drug-related crime is disappearing, appropriate regulation and quality control is keeping people safer, and taxes are being paid. Instead of funding the war on drugs, we should fund drug research, education, and in some cases rehabilitation.

The classic hallucinogens – psilocybin, masculine, ayahuasca, and LSD – do not have toxicity profiles nor are they addictive. Most of them have been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years as religious and spiritual sacraments by native peoples all over the world. And they are, factually, significantly safer than alcohol and cigarettes.

Wayne Long

Psychedelics are not the problem

The 1970’s politics that resulted in all psychedelic compounds being made illegal are no longer relevant, but we are still all indoctrinated with the propaganda. We have all lost-out, as these were - and still are - some of the most promising tools to combat anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Our medical experts need to have the freedom to proceed with this research. Johns Hopkins is doing brilliant work right now with MDMA and psilocybin. The addicts you see on the streets are largely victims of highly addictive opiates and amphetamines. Nobody is on the streets because of psychedelics.

Drew Conclusion


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