Local Business Owner appointed to Insurance Curriculum Board

Local business owner

Lynne Davidson has been appointed

to the California Workers’

Compensation Insurance

Rating Bureau’s (WCIRB)

Governing Committee.

Davidson is President of

Tito’s Tacos Mexican Restaurant.

She has been a board

member of the California

Restaurant Association for

the past 26 years and is apast

board chair of the Los Angeles

chapter of the California

Restaurant Association. She

was recognized by the California

Small Business Association

as Senate District 30’s

Small Business of the Year

in 2018. Davidson joins the

WCIRB Governing Committee

as an insured employer representative

with a term ending

on October 2, 2022.

The WCIRB committee sets

policy, oversees WCIRB management,

and reviews all issues

involving pure premium

rates, classifications, rating

plans, rating systems, manual

rules and policy, and endorsement

forms. The WCIRB is a

private organization licensed

by the Department for the purpose

of collecting, analyzing,

and compiling rating data, with

funding coming from assessments

of its insurer members.

All workers’ compensation insurance

companies in California

are required by law to be

members of the WCIRB.


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