Will Measure a L Tax Increase Follow Measure K's Tax Hike

Mayor Small, did you know Caroline Carpenter became the very first woman to earn honors as the leader for the Los Angeles Fire Department at the Valley Recruit Training Academy 81? “I’m small, “said Carpenter 26, “but I have a big heart”. Carpenter explained top recruit status meant she earned the highest overall combined score in tests that included ladder, hose and academic assessments.

Long Beach Press – Telegram.

Just a thought, why couldn’t the car pool lanes be open to all vehicles during non-rush hour? What’s up with the Keystone oil pipeline or the high-speed train?

Betcha you all remember two years ago when we posted on Face Book a sign showing the price of a gallon of regular was $2.05. Just recently November 14, 2018, we paid $2.47. Whenever we are in the area, we always stop at Flash Gas on Interstate 75 and United States, 82 in Georgia.

Amazing but true from the Los Angeles Times. A cancer patient received the nation’s first penis transplant and is doing well after the 15-hour operation in Massachusetts General Hospital.

The mid-term elections are gone, and I like many of you, have been hearing unsubstantiated rumors concerning possible candidates for Culver City Council. A big thank you goes to former Mayor Jim Clarke for spear heading the suggestion I made some ten or more years ago regarding the Culver Blvd historic museum weekend walk. Can we now discuss some of my other ideas?

1. Divide the city, per state law, into Council Districts

2. Re-Hab the 15,000 sq. feet in the library basement for meeting rooms and other uses.

3. Intergrade the Fire Department before some lady uses the Civil Rights Act or other laws to sue. In 101 years not one female in the Fire House is beyond comprehension.

4. Note the intersection of Culver Blvd and Overland Ave for Judge Cherness.

5. Why should some city employees who receive wages and benefits well over $250,000 get an automobile perk? Perhaps these Cuban cigar smokers will try for still another tax increase, so they can get a new BMW every year.

Did you feel the excitement of Sunday November 11, 2018? Yes, it was the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War 1, and here in the deep South Veterans were revered with patriotic celebrations. I remember, it wasn’t that long ago, when the old sergeant gave three presentations to a high school ROTC student program regarding the Historic 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment.

Sunday was one day when the Democrats in the House of Representatives outlined what investigations they wished to peruse for a least the next two years. Congressman Cummings of Maryland and incoming chairman of the House Oversight Committee said he would be looking into voter suppression. In an interview for Axcios on HBO Adam Schiff (D Calif) might request emails and testimony to see if Republicans and the administration used state power to punish the press.

When is our Culver City Board of Education going to get serious and phase out Japanese and start a Chinese language program? The future is China.

Now that Measure K passed how long will it be before Measure L’s Tax increase is on the drawing board?

Adults in the United States consumed more than 17 billion binge drinks in 2015 or about 470 binge drinks per binge drinker according to a first-of-its-kind study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The study appeared in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. CDC researchers found that 1 in 6 or 37 million adults binge drink about once a week consuming an average of seven drinks per binge. Binge drinking is defined as consuming 5 or more drinks for men or four or more drinks in women in about two hours. The Downey Patriot.

From my medical files I see the Los Angeles Times printed an article regarding a 15-hour operation at Massachusetts General Hospital a 64-year-old patient was the first penis transplant-can eyes be the next ground-breaking medical discovery?

The Brunswick Georgia News printed you can get a student loan forgiveness by being in the military and paying 120 qualifying monthly payments. To get the reminder remove you must be in the service or working in the public sector while making each payment.


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