Together We Can End Neighborhood Oil Drilling

Dear Editor,

Thank you for your ongoing coverage of the Inglewood Oil Field. The good news for public health and safety is that both the EIR and scientific studies give our city council compelling evidence and legal grounds to adopt important safeguards including: a fracking ban; a 2500 foot buffer from homes, schools and parks; and no net new wells (i.e. an existing well must be safely closed for every new well allowed).

The EIR and the science also both reach the same clear conclusion – there’s no such thing as safe neighborhood oil drilling.

There is a growing community consensus that the best approach is to regulate strongly and responsibly in the short-term, while building toward a long-term future where the oil field is closed permanently and the land converted to safer and better uses.

And there’s no reason for this to be a partisan issue – there is no significant benefit to Culver City and its people from oil drilling. I encourage everyone, including all candidates for city council in the upcoming election, to join together to support this approach. Let’s speak with one powerful voice!

Michael Zucker

Culver City


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