Gas Tax Soars In New Jersey

Observer Columnist

I don’t believe it, but 83-year-old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg can normally bench-press 70 pounds, per her personal trainer. 2016 was a bad year for the people of New Jersey. No longer do they have low-priced gasoline. That’s right. Governor Chris Christie signed legislation that raised gas tax from 14.5 cents to 37.5 cents a gallon. Overnight, gas tax went from the second lowest to the seventh highest state. Louisiana, in April 2016, raised the sales tax to 9.99 percent; the highest state in the United States. I have heard rumors the two Culver City councilmembers who love to raise taxes to pay for those big fat pensions are thinking about Netflix. Jeff Cooper and Jim Clarke wouldn’t surprise me if they tried to get a surcharge of three percent to help pay off the mortgage on the city manager’s home. I don’t know about you, but as for me Cousin Neil plans to get to the barber shop at least once a week. WHY, YOU ASK? Well, friends, a new law took effect on the first of January to allow patrons a free beer or a glass of wine. However, I still would pass on having a shave. A while or so back in San Francisco an FBI agent had a sub-machine gun stolen from his or her vehicle. The legislature, to cure this problem, mandated when firearms are left in cars they must be locked in a safe box. How many hearings or trips did members of the Assembly take before they voted to prevent smoking of any type within 250 feet of a Little League baseball game or any other youth sports event? Have you heard about Patricia Bath? Well, neither had I. In 1981, she invented the Laser Phacoprobe, allowing ophthalmologists to remove

cataracts. Because of Dr. Bath’s invention, surgery is faster and more accurate. Dad always told me not to pay credit card interest. When the bill was delivered by the postman I was to put my check in an envelope and send it back. Why flush good money down the drain, he always said, and he was right. Perhaps you also read the messages from these companies raising to 24.99 percent their fees and/or interest rates. It’s sad to report that while Theodorsia and I were on our four-month vacation an old and dear World War II veteran and member of the Jewish War Veterans Culver City Post 617 passed away on January 16, 2017. Leo Kaye will be missed. For the first time China has delivered military equipment to the AfghanNational Defense and Security Forces. As reported by Voice of America, the equipment was delivered on a Russian cargo plane and included logistical materials, parts for military vehicles, weapons and ammunition. On January 10, 2017 the Beverly Hills city council had a meeting to discuss an anti-voter-fraud initiative. Representatives from the L.A. County Registrar/Recorders Office, County Clerk, the L.A. County District Attorney and the California Secretary of State met those present who were concerned about the November 8, 2016 election where 516 voters registered in Beverly Hills at non-residential locations. Of the 516, 492 voters were registered at mail centers. For those who are David Bowie fans I have good news; Mexican photographer Fernando Aceves’s exclusive images of the late singer-songwriter will be on exhibition for the first time ever in the United States at Forest Lawn Museum through June 15, 2017, 1712 South Glendale Blvd., open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission and parking are free. Call (800) 204-3131 or click on Theodorsia and I were away the Culver City Unified School District, at its November 22, 2016 meeting, passed a resolution declaring all CCUSD campuses as “Safe Zones,” and will not allow law enforcement agents on site to deport without a review process.

On February 27 President Trump signed an executive order allotting $25 billion in aid to historically black colleges and universities. I sincerely hope you all read the USA Today newspaper dated November 15, 2016. If not, my copy is available. The headline on page 1 states: “Obama: Trump won, accept it.”No, Mr. Mayor, I’m not referring to the Washington D.C. mess, but I am gleeful that a majority of the Culver City city council tried to slide by the power grab and lost to the will of the people. Mayor Clarke, the election is over and there was no need for your group to run around town with tears in your eyes and a sob in your throat talking about those social activists UNLESS, in some city election downstream, you plan to bring this back for another vote. Jim, you and your friends don’t want to put all that power into a city manager who just might smoke Cuban cigars, use gold toothpicks and wear a Rolex watch. From a usually reliable source rumor has it you and your cohorts want us to vote to extend term limits from eight to 12 years. The plan is to claim you need more time to “finish the job,” but wait a minute – the president, the governor and our wonderful State senator, Holly Mitchell, all do it in eight years, so what’s the problem? Now, do not say Rubenstein spilled the beans, but some councilmembers want to feather their own nests by getting involved with such organizations as the League of California Cities. For those who missed an article, all my commentaries can be found at by placing Rubenstein in the website’s search box.


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