Get Ready LA: We're Having A Super Bowl Too

By Mitch Chortkoff

Sports Editor

If the LA Rams and LA Chargers don’t qualify for the Super Bowl in 2021 the game in the Rams’ new stadium in Inglewood will have a lot in common with the one played in Houston last Sunday.

Fans there were probably disappointed when the Houston team didn’t earn a berth. But the magnitude of the event, a contest that drew millions of television viewers, resulted in joy throughout the Texas city.

It was a great day. A great game and a halftime show that will long be remembered. And Houston’s name will be associated with the game and the super entertainment.

Although the one here will be played in Inglewood the week-long buildup will be identified with Los Angeles. Super Bowl 21 will be another in a long line of championship events associated with LA.

We don’t know if a personality like five-time Super Bowl winner Tom Brady will be part of our game but some classic accomplishment is likely.

And there’s likely to be a memorable halfime show like the one Lady Gaga gave us last Sunday. After all, this is LA, the entertainment capital.

Don’t forget the Lakers won championships as the LA Lakers even though they played in Inglewood.

As for Sunday’s game how will we forget New England’s comeback from a 28-3 deficit and their touchdown in overtime that ended the contest without Atlanta, according to the rules, even getting a chance to match the touchdown.

This is all-time classic stuff.

Brady’s fifth super Bowl victory allowed him to pass his idol, Joe Montana, who won four times.

And Bill Belichick now has won more Super Bowls than any other coach.

I saw the same activity from Sunday’s game that I saw in last season’s World Series. Some people I know who hadn’t watched a game all season were excited about the series about to be played.

They probably couldn’t name a player on either team but were eager to offer their opinions, even sometimes betting on the outcome.

Foolish, I thought, but they were having a good time.

The point is that championship events bring out this kind of action. So, get ready, LA. We have to wait four years but for sure it’s coming.


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