BSA Troop 113's Speakers Celebrate 60 years

Three of BSA Troop 113's original members were guests of honor at the troop's 60th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, November 15.

Each spoke fondly of their scouting experiences. Woody Wilk and Steve Larkin were founding members of the troop in 1954 and Lloyd Sutton joined shortly afterward. They are Culver City High Class of 1961 graduates.

Wilk retired after 25 years as a sports publicist. He remarked on how the values of the Greatest Generation (WWII folks) coincide with scouting's values. He can still do a clove hitch pretty well, along with two half hitches and a diamond hitch, but admits his bowline still needs some work.

Wilk shared updates from other founding members. Roger Belding, Jr. is a retired LAPD Sergeant. Roger credits scouting with teaching everything from tying a knot to working with others to settle disputes. "For a bunch of guys capable of tomfoolery, I think we've done okay."

Another founder, Brent Barnhart, is retired from a highly successful career as an attorney with Kaiser Permanente in northern California.

Lloyd Sutton brought memorabilia including: brag jacket filled with patches from numerous camps and events, original merit badge sash and Explorers shirt that no longer fits. He remarked that the original group were all from working class families in Culver City and all have done well. He was the first in his family to graduate college and owns a software business in the South Bay.

Steve Larkin is a ceramist. Steve recognized the many leaders and parents who have done a yeoman job, who do for others, staying involved in scouting long after their kids have moved on. He told the current scouts "Kids, your job is to have fun... Enjoy scouting, it's the best, man."

The celebration concluded with current Senior Patrol Leader Michael Rodriguez presenting each speaker with a Troop 113 T shirt as a thank you for sharing their scouting experiences.

Troop contact is Patti Bravo at 310-204-0866 or


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