Articles from the April 1, 2013 edition

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  • Culver Community Invited To ARTWORKS

    Apr 1, 2013

    Farragut Elementary’s Artworks!, the school’s annual fundraiser supporting arts education, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Artworks! has three components. The entire community is invited to the school’s campus on Saturday, April 13 from 11 am until 4 pm for Artworks! for Kids. Families enjoy performances, workshops and art happenings throughout the day. Lunch, desserts and coffee drinks will be available for purchase. Groups from schools throughout Culver City will take the stage, as well as the Street Drum Corps and some shred...

  • Ballona Watershed Warriors To Celebration

    Apr 1, 2013

    Tom LaBonge, Ronald Smith Are honorees Friends of Ballona Wetlands will hold its annual Ballona Watershed Warriors Celebration on April 18 and will honor the environmental contributions of Los Angeles City Councilman Tom LaBonge, whose District 4 includes the headwaters of the Ballona Creek Watershed, and Ronald Smith, Director of the West Basin Municipal Water District and Vice Chairman of the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission. “I’m delighted to accept Friends of Ballona Wetlands’ honor and to help them celebrate the ongoing prese...

  • Local FASTSIGNS® Named One of the Top 25 Centers

    Apr 1, 2013

    FASTSIGNS® of Culver City was named one of the top 25 centers in the country out of a network of more than 450 at the 2013 FASTSIGNS Convention, which was recently held in Dallas. The locally owned and operated business received the CEO Circle Award, which is given to the 25 centers in the United States with the highest sales volumes from the previous year. This is the first year that the center has received this distinction. “My team and I were blown away to learn that our center was ranked number 19 in the country and we were so excited to...

  • Culver’s Balugo Named to Dean's List

    Apr 1, 2013

    Jahmad Balugo of Culver City has been named to the Dean's List at the Savannah College of Art and Design for fall quarter 2012. Full-time undergraduate students who earn a grade point average of 3.5 or above for the quarter receive recognition on the Dean's List. The Savannah College of Art and Design is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution conferring bachelor's and master's degrees at distinctive locations and online to prepare talented students for professional careers. SCAD has more than 20,000 alumni....

  • Dear Editor

    Apr 1, 2013

    With the push of the unelected Los Angeles METRO Boards to encourage bicycle usage of ALL lanes of street travel as a right, I question responsibility that should go with rights. In many cases, responsibility is being forced on vehicles and not required of bicyclists. I'm not going to argue the point of right since that is interrupted as the law; I'm concerned with MY rights and responsibilities as unlicensed bicyclists enter the public right away of the street. Here are a few points I would like to ask about bicyclist's responsibility: -...

  • Three Culver Students Excel at Rensselaer

    Apr 1, 2013

    Three Culver City students have been named to the Dean's list at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for the fall 2012 semester. The dean's list recognizes full-time students who maintain grade-point averages of a minimum of 3.0 out of a possible 4.0 and have no grades below "C." The list includes:Joshua Plottel, Mykola Smith and Marcus Fairchild. Rensselar, located in Troy, New York, is America's oldest technological research university....

  • Culver Gets Big Baseball Win Over Torrance

    Fred Altieri, Special to the Observer|Apr 1, 2013

    A Torrance Press article from 1957 reports: “The City of Torrance has virtually grown up around the US Steel Torrance Works.” 56 years later and just around the corner from where the former plant stood, the Culver City High baseball team visited the historically well-tempered Torrance High Tartars in their picturesque yet intimidating ball park, using the game as a forging process to further test and strengthen the Centaurs’ program. The final result was a hardened Culver City squad that held...

  • Will Alford Be Better Than Howland? Maybe

    Mitch Chortkoff, Sports Editor|Apr 1, 2013

    In today’s sports section we are running a column by respected local writer Steve Finley, who points out many of Ben Howland’s faults. I believe in presenting all sides of an issue even though I think Howland deserved a contract extension instead of being fired at UCLA. Today we know Steve Alford is the new Bruin basketball coach and only time will tell if he’s an improvement. Alford is an Indiana legend because of his sterling playing career with the Hoosiers. But he is not a giant in his profe...

  • Columnist Points Out Howland's Flaws

    Steve Finley, Special to the Observer|Apr 1, 2013

    Columnist Points Out Howland’s Flaws When it comes to UCLA basketball, winning games, winning championships and going deep into the NCAA tournament are three different situations. Ben Howland was fired a few weeks after winning the Pac-12 championship. At a lot of schools he would have gotten a contract extension. Not at UCLA. At UCLA no coach will ever live up to John Wooden who won 10 nationals championships. The coach who followed Wooden, the late Gene Bartow, went 52-7 in two years but q...

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